Sunday, June 25, 2006

My Son and grandchildren

Here's a picture of my son,Yngve, with his little boy, Asle, and my daughter's (Helen's) little girl, called Lillian.

Yes, I'm one very proud grandma!

Sea Change

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hello again! It's me!

Hello to the blogging world!
I've been gone from here for too long! I could say I've been busy--and I have been. I could say I've been lazy, and I have been. I could say I temporarily ran out of steam after the initial excitement of setting up my first blog, and that would be true, too.

What's new in my world today?
It's summer in Ohio now, at last! That means spending time at the local swimming pool, walks in the green spaces around our otherwise urban scene, and time spent reading and writing, just as I do in all seasons and all weathers!

What am I writing?
I'm currently taking an online essay class--my first online writing class of any kind, and getting enormous benefit from seeing other people's essays and feedback on each other's work, as well as the direct feedback on my own efforts. Perhaps one of the best benefits of the class, though, is the stimulus it provides to keep writing, and the ideas it generates about new projects! My head is buzzing with new possibilities now! For anyone who sees this and wants to know more, please send me a comment with a way to get in touch with you.

What am I reading?
I've returned to reading A Course in Miracles, after a considerable hiatus (some four or five years) since I was last studying this extraordinary book. If anything, I love it even more, coming back to it. There's so much to learn there: "learn" in the sense of understanding and doing, as opposed to the traditional book-learning idea of simply acquiring a body of knowledge. It's eminently practical, even while seeming profoundly philosophical. It's not a book you simply read through and then you're done! In fact, it's strange to even call it "a book", although it is in book form. It's more like a lifetime program. "Course" is indeed a good word for it.

In August I'll be in Norway, travelling to be with family, and most exciting of all, my two little grandchildren! One is a lovely girl of seven, called Lily--and the other is a little boy of one and a half years old, called Asle (pronounced Ossler). I will post pictures of both of them when I've learned how to do that. :) I am, of course, a very proud grandmother!

And now for my three favorite words in the English language: "to be continued..."
~Sea Change